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Growing up in the Jewish Community with all its love and support, when it came to addiction and getting into recovery many of us feel confused and all alone. We are here to try and offer you a hand as recovering addicts that have already been there.

My Story

As a recovering Alcoholic growing up in the jewsih community, I didnt have alot of knowledge about the world of recovery, the world of addiction. Thanks to many resources I was able to make it into a rehab where I learned of many resources and fellowships available to me.


As a member of the recovery community, im acutley aware of the lack of education, the lack of publicity when it comes to the resources that are available. The resources are there (I am not here to reinvent the wheel), the purpose of this website is to bring the resources together on one accesible website, and to publicize that site.


Please join me in this mission, to publicize and advocate for recovery education and awareness in our communities. Help is available.


Please help us by donating to our cause, all moneys collected go toward paid advertisements in the fom of local community billboards, newspapers, websites and whatsapp statuses. This is not a money making operation, this is here merely to fill a void. Please feel free to email us to get involved.


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